Restaurant information
What are the hours of operation for Cattlemens?
All Cattlemens Restaurants are open 4pm-10pm 7 days a week. Holiday Hour Vary, Private Events during the day available.
Find your nearest Cattlemens location here.
Holiday hours
Please contact your local Cattlemens for the operating hours on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day Cattlemens is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
Does Cattlemens offer catering?
Cattlemens offers Catering on a very limited bases, please contact your local Cattlemens for more information We do, however, offer Pick Up and Drop Off Catering Platters ideal for game days, casual get-togethers, or office gatherings.
Are there Cattlemens restaurants opening soon?
We would love to expand in areas throughout California. For real estate contacts please contacts Cattlemens Corporate office.
What year did each Cattlemens location open?
Cattlemens menu
Do you have vegetarian or vegan dishes?
Cattlemens offers Vegetarian dishes and side items.
Please note that Cattlemens is not a vegan environment as we share cooking surfaces, equipment, and storage areas with both animal and non-animal food products. Although we will make every effort to meet your dietary needs we cannot 100% assure there will be no cross contact.
Do you have gluten free menu items?
Please see our Gluten Sensitive Menu for the items and substitutions available for guests with gluten intolerance. If you’re sensitive to gluten, please let your server know.
See our Gluten Sensitive menu here.
What is the Kids Menu Jr. Deputy Program?
Become a Jr. Deputy and eat free- Ask your server today! Purchase a Jr. Deputy T-Shirt for $18.99 and your child eats free from the kids menu that night and every night – just by wearing their Jr. Deputy T-Shirt! *Kids menu only. One meal per child. One free kids meal per dining adult. Not valid on takeout orders.
Gift cards
How can I purchase Cattlemens gift cards?
You can buy either traditional or electronic Cattlemens Gift Cards online. Also, we offer gift cards in any of our restaurants.
How can I check the status of my gift card order?
How do I check the balance on my gift card?
Have your 8- or 13-digit Cattlemens Gift Card number(s) ready and email or check your balance online.
To go
Does Cattlemens offer to go ordering?
Yes! Please call your Cattlemens location to place your order to go or order online here.
Nutrition and allergen
Where can I find nutritional information?
Please visit our nutrition page online to view the nutrition information for everything we offer or view it online.
How can I apply for a job at Cattlemens?
We are always looking for new members to join the Cattlemens posse. Please check our Career opportunities page to learn more and to apply online for both management and team member positions at any Cattlemens restaurant.
Employee information
If you’re looking for information pertaining to your own employment, please contact the following departments directly by telephone.
Human Resources- 707-528-1040 ext. 712
Payroll- 707-528-1040 ext. 715
Employee Hotline- 1-800-826-6762